Black Lava Stone Tiles Indonesia is one famous stone in the world because this Black Lava Stone Tiles Indonesia has Gray and Black Color. Black Lava Stone Tiles can found from Volcano Location likes Java Island. In Central Java, there has many Material of Black Lava Stone near volcano. This condition make Black Lava Stone Tiles can survive for all condition likes Hot, cold, water, etc. Black Lava Stone also has special material texture from another Natural Stone Tiles.

The Special system from Bali Lava Stone Tiles is the Natural tiny Hole. This make the Black Lava Stone Tiles different from other Natural Stone. Special Tiny Hole from Bali Lava Stone make the stone can flow by air or water. This system make the Black Bali Lava Stone can more cold from another Natural Stone Indonesia. The auto cold system from Bali Lava Stone make this stone favorite apply for Swimming Pool Deck.
Black Lava Stone Tiles for pool deck make the Pool deck has more black elegant Pool deck. The Another Application of Black Lava Stone is for Walling. Usually this Stone apply for Walling with special Random Finishing. This Finishing will make the wall has random size and Natural Lava Stone Wall. It’s very make the Hotel has Luxury Style. Black Bali Natural Stone has medium hardness, This condition make the Black Bali Natural Stone easy for cutting and sizing from another Hardness stone.

Black Lava Stone Tiles Indonesia also know as Candi Stone. Candi Stone tiles is one great Stone in Indonesia, that we can saw from Borobudur temple, and another history temple In Java Island. This Cand Stone can survive for long time and more easy found In Java. That condition make the Candi Stone Temple can survive and endurance until now. In next chapther wi will tell more about Black Bali Stone Tiles.
Benefit Black Bali Lava Stone Tiles
There are some benefit of Black Bali Lava Stone Tiles. The benefit are has more Stable and cold temperature, Not easy to broken, Has elegant Black Appearance, can endurance for long time, etc. The Stable Temperature make the Wall or Flooring will not heat because the heat absorb by self cooling system. The self Cold system come from the tiny hole from Black Lava Stone Tiles Indonesia.
The Next benefit of Black Lava Stone is can endurance for long time. We can saw this benefit from History temple with Black Lava Stone Tiles. Bali Lava Stone has apply to make the temple building and endurance until now. The very big temple is Borobudur temple and Prambanan Temple in Java. It’s also can make our Walling and Flooring can endurance for long time and in all condition. Bali Lava Stone also make the Walling or flooring has awesome Black and Gray Color. With Great Designer, we will get very awesome Lava Natural Stone Walling.
Lab test for Black Lava Tiles Indonesia
Our Black Lava Tiles has test in the lab to know what the Substance in Lava Stone Tiles. This Lab Test is very important for some architect to know more about this Natural Stone Indonesia. There the lab result of Black Lava Tiles Indonesia :
We can saw the Result, Lava Stone Tiles has great pH. This pH will make the Lava Stone not easy for microorganism. That Lab test has test with Professional lab in Indonesia.

Size Black Bali Natural Stone
Black Bali Natural Stone is one great stone can cut to many different size. The basic size is cut to size Finishing. The cut to size make Black Bali Natural Stone has block size. there some recommend Size, usually order by our Client are 10 x 10 x (1-2) cm, 15 x 15 x (1-2) cm, 20 x 10 x (1-2) cm, 20 x 20 (1.2-2) cm, etc. This Our Recommendation for size of Cut to size Black Bali Natural Stone Indonesia. Our Company ready to provide Black Lava Tiles with precision size example with 10 x 10 x 1 cm, we will provide the Black Lava stone with 10 x 10 x (0.9-1.1) cm. This mean our precision is 0.2 cm.

Finishing Black Bali Lava Natural Stone

If you find Black Lava Stone Supplier, Please contact us for more detail. We is one best Black Lava Stone Supplier with many experience. Next, we will tell about the Finishing of Black Natural Stone Indonesia we can provide. Our Black Lava Stone Supplier can provide : Cut to size (Sawn Cut), Honed, Rough Face, Special Random Finishing, special Polygon size, Fountain, etc. That all finishing has different purpose.

Sawn Cut Finishing is make the Lava Stone has cut to size but the face not very smooth. This finishing usually apply for Flooring or Walling that not need smooth face. This Finishing will save any cost for another process. But, if we want to apply Black Bali Pool Tiles for Swimming Pool, we recommended to use Honed Finisihing. Honed Lava Stone Tiles will need more Cost from Sawn Cut. This Finishing will make us get Smooth Face and comfortable for Walking without foot wear. To make more safe Lava Stone Tiles for Swimming Pool, we can add Bullnose or Bevel Finishing.

Another Great Finishing has apply by many Luxury Hotel and Villa is Random Irregular Finishing Black Lava Tiles. Random Irregular Black Lava Tiles will make us get like natural Size because has unique different Size Stone. This Random Irregular Lava Tiles usually apply for Walling. More detail, please check the below picture.

Packing, Stuffing and Shipping Black Lava Tiles

We are using International ISPM packaging to keep the Natural Stone always safe in shipping Process. ISPM standard packaging is using International standard Wood and we added iron belt to keep it more safe. Our ISPM standard packing has check by professional team before sent to your country. We also aded Styrofoam to keep the stone far away from crack or broken. There some Picture from Our Packing Standard :

After Packing Process, The Natural Stone Indonesia is ready to stuffing. Check this Picture for more Stuffing Process :

Application of Black Natural Stone Indonesia
Black Natural Stone Indonesia can Apply to many part of building. We can Apply Black Lava Natural Stone Indonesia to Walling, Flooring, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Swimming Pool deck, etc. There some application of Black Lava Stone Tiles :

Source : Instagram : yanakplnsky

Source : Instagram/agatawojcik84

Source :

Source : Instagram/ajt_29