Nayara Springs, Costa Rica has 4 star Hotel service. This 4 Star Nayara Springs, Costa Rica we can get many facilities like bar, Laundry, Restaurant, Outdoor Swimming Pool, etc. This Facilities will make the Visitor more satisfy with the service. This Nayara Springs has make the Hotel with Natural Concept. Natural concept around the Hotel make visitor can feel Natural life after long workdays in her/his Vocation.

Source : Instagram/craigswallace3
Nayara Springs, Costa Rica Also make the Swimming Pool wihth special Natural Stone from Indonesia. This Natural Stone is Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles. Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles is one famous Pool Tiles in the world because This Green Natural Sukabumi Stone has many benefit for the Pool. There some Benefit of Green Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles are Stable Temperature, Make the Pool more clean, Anti slip surface, can survive for long time, etc.

Source : Instagram/nayarahotels
We will explain some benefit of this Sukabumi Natural Stone Tiles. First, This Natural Sukabumi Stone will make the Pool has stable temperature. It’s because this Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles can Absorb heat from the Pool. Next, This Sukabumi Stone Tiles can make the Pool more Clean and Fresh. This Ability come from the Zeolite Substance. This substance will kill some microorganism from the Pool. This Zeolite Substance also apply for Some purify water system.

Source : Instagram/nayarahotels
Infinity Green Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles
Next, Green Natural Sukabumi Stone also has great hardness and density material. It’s make this Natural Stone can survive from high pressure in the Pool. This Natural stone also can survive when apply for the deep Swimming Pool. Green Natural Sukabumi Stone also has Anti slip surface. This ability very important to keep this Swimming Pool more safe for walking.
Source : Instagram/nayarahotels
That’s all review about Nayara Springs, Costa Rica. We hope this article can give some information about this Hotel. For more Detail Information about Green Natural Sukabumi Stone Tiles, Please don’t hesitate to contact Us. Our Team will answer all of your Question and Problem.