Review : Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa, Philippines with Bali Stone (Green, Black and White)

Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort is one best resort in Philippines with Five Start Hotel. Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort offer Sensational experience Sea view and Feeling because this Shangri-La’s Borocay Resort build Near the Awesome beach. This Concept is very Infinity in Philippines because the sea is not much then other country. Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort also provide many Luxury Facilities to make us can spend our vacation in one location (Shangri-La’s Boracay). This Facilities make this hotel is one great resort to visit in our Vacation.

Green Sukabumi Tiles
(Source : Instagram/

Shangri-La’s Boracay applied some Natural Stone Tiles for building part and Swimming Pool. This Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort applied Green, Black and White Natural Stone. First, we will review the White Stone. The White Appearance made by Luxury White Palimanan Tiles. This White Palimanan Tiles applied for walling and some flooring.

Lava Stone Tiles
(Source : Instagram/cutetako07)
White Palimanan Tiles
(Source : Instagram/_superkeeeeen_)

Wonderful White Palimanan Tiles

This White Palimanan Tiles can Provide from Indonesia country. It’s will make the wall and floor has elegant classic white appearance. Some Flooring applied White Palimanan Tiles with Special Honed Finishing. This Finishing will make the Floor more comfortable. Floor like Natural walk in the sand. With White Palimanan Stone, The Floor will more like classic sand. This stone also good apply for Flooring.

Black Lava Stone Tiles for Pool Deck
(Source : Instagram/jgirbaud08)

Second, the awesome Black natural Stone is Lava Stone Tiles. This Lava Stone Tiles Indonesia applied for walling, flooring and Swimming Pool Deck. Applied Lava Stone Tiles for Pool deck is one great choice because lava stone in water will has natural Elegant Black Color. This condition because Lava Stone Tiles has tiny hole for water or air flow. Applied Lava Stone Floor Tiles and Walling also can get best quality because lava stone has good endurance.

Lava Stone tiles for Floor
(Source : Instagram/norlyn_delafuente)

Green Swimming Pool Tiles is Green Sukabumi Tiles. Green Sukabumi Tiles is one best Green Swimming Pool Tiles in the world because very comfortable applied for Swimming Pool. This Green Sukabumi Tiles has Elegant Natural Green Color and make the Swimming Pool more clean. This can make the Swimming Pool more clean because Green Sukabumi Tiles has Zeolite Substance. Zeolite can kill Microorganism from the water.

Lava Stone Tiles Pool Deck
(Source : Instagram/cutetako07)
Green Sukabumi Tiles
(Source : Instagram/glorioussue)

Another stone apply for Floor in the Shangri-La’s is Yellow palimanan Stone. This application for floor near the pool with this Yellow Palimanan Stone. The floor with yellow palimanan stone make it have yellow line appearance like sand and wooden. The special for this stone is have yellow line and yellow classic appearance.

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Yellow Palimanan floor

That’s all review for Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa, Philippines. Hope this article give some info for you. For another review, Please check on our Website. For more Information about the Natural Stone Tiles, Please contact Us. We will answer your Question as soon as possible.