Review : Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali (Green Sukabumi, White Palimanan Tiles, Bali Lava Stone)

Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali is one infinite hotel in Bali Island. In Sofitel Nusa Dua is one very Larger Hotel in Bali with complete facilities. Sofitel Nusa Dua was build in Beach Location. This Condition make we can Feel Awesome Bali Beach from Sofitel Hotel. We Also can take recreation in This Infinite Bali Resort in Sofitel Bali. Sofitel Bali is very recommended for your Vacation in Bali Island.

Bali Green Stone for Pool
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Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali Facilities are Infinite Large Swimming Pool, Professional Chef, very comfortable Room, Awesome Beaches with Indian White Sand, professional customer service, Professional Room Service, Spa, etc. That Complete facilities will make the visitor very comfortable and Feel Bali Island in the Vacation. This is very good choice for who wanted full facilities and service.

Infinity Bali Green Sukabumi Stone
(Source : Instagram/reginadannaoui)

Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali has Largest Swimming Pool. This Largest Swimming Pool has applied with some Famous Natural Indonesia. Swimming Pool Tiles Sofitel Nusa Dua Applied the best Green Pool Tiles from Indonesia. This Swimming Pool applied Bali Green Sukabumi Stone. Bali Green Stone make the pool has Natural green feel. This Bali Green Stone stone also make the Swimming Pool More comfortable.

Bali Lava Stone Tower
(Source : Instagram/laurentiawidya)

The Great Value From Green Sukabumi Stone

Green Sukabumi Stone make the Pool more clean, anti slip (safe), Normal Temperature, has Natural Green Appearance, etc. Green Sukabumi Stone has Zeolite Substance. This Substance make the Swimming Pool more clean because Zeolite can kill water microorganism. This one best reason, why This Bali Green Stone is best choice for swimming Pool. Sofitel Swimming Pool also has Lava Stone Tower. This Lava Stone Tower has applied Bali Lava Stone.

Bali Lava Stone Application
(Source : Instagram/ekopras83)

Bali Lava Stone Tower is one best Natural Stone because has Natural Black Color. This Bali Lava Stone also can applied for Flooring and Pool Deck. This Bali Lava Stone has Natural tiny hole to make air flow system. This system make Bali Lava Stone can more durable and has cold temperature.

White Palimanan Tile for Walling
(Source : Instagram/l_i_f_e_i_s_c_o_o_o_o_o_l)

Another Great Natural Stone applied for Walling is White Palimanan Tiles. White Palimanan Tiles walling in this Sofitel Resort has applied with Special Rough Face Finishing. This Special Rough Face Finishing make the Wall has Natural Appearance. White Palimanan Tiles also can applied for pool deck. This White Palimanan Tiles has Classic White Color and smooth face.

White Palimanan Tiles Walling
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That’s all review for this Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali Hotel and resort. We hope this article can give some information about this Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali. More Review, check on our Article. For more Info about Natural Stone, Please contact Us. We wil answer your question as soon as possible.