Milaidhoo villa Maldives is one infinity villa in Maldives. This Villa has strategies location because it’s near the Beach. That location make Milaidhoo villa Maldives can saw beach from the Villa and get high Quality Sleep Near beach. Milaidhoo villa Maldives has amazing concept because install the Pool in front of Beach. This concept make us can saw and feel beach when swimming in Infinity Swimming Pool.

(Source : Instagram/elenaseregina)

(Source : Instagram/kot_booombej)
Luxury Green Sukabumi Stone for Pool
Milaidhoo villa Maldives applied Elegant Natural Stone for the Pool Tiles. That Natural Stone is Green Sukabumi Stone Tiles. This Green Sukabumi Stone Applied for Pool Tiles and Pool Wall. Sukabumi Stone Tiles is one great Natural Stone for Swimming Pool Tiles because Green Sukabumi Stone Tiles can make Swimming Pool has Natural Green Color, More Clean from Micro organism, Temperature Stable, Low absorption rate.

(Source : Instagram/boutiquehedonism)
The Substance from Green Sukabumi Stone make the pool clean from micro organism is Zeolite. Zeolite is one material can kill some microorganism. The Zeolite Subtance usually using for water purity. In other aspect Green Sukabumi Stone has Infinity Natural Green Color. This Sukabumi Stone Tiles just can found from Indonesia country because the mining just has in Indonesia.

(Source : Instagram/kot_booombej)
Green Sukabumi Stone Tiles also can applied for Walling and Flooring. This Natural Stone should purchase by professional Supplier. To get high Quality Green Sukabumi Stone, You can contact Us. We will ready supply High Quality Sukabumi Stone Tiles with Great Price and Quality.