Review : The Ritz-Carlton Bali, Indonesia (White Palimanan Tiles, Lava Natural Stone)

The Ritz-Carlton Bali Located near beach In Bali Island. This Premium Location, Near Beach make we can Feel the Beach from the Hotel. Ritz Carlton is one best Hotel Brand in the World. To make Ritz Carlton Bali more exclusive and premium from other Hotel, This Hotel Applied Some Infinite Natural Stone for Walling, Flooring and Swimming Pool.

White Palimanan Pool Deck
(Source : Instagram/ritzcarltonbali)  

Ritz-Carlton Applied White Palimanan Tiles for Swimming Pool Deck. White Palimanan Tiles is one great Choice for Flooring in Swimming Pool because White Palimanan Tiles has Smooth Face. This Condition make the people more comfortable walking after Swimming. This Material also has anti slip system and temperature Stable system. White Palimanan Tiles make the Swimming Pool has elegant White appearance.

Palimanan Tiles for Wall
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White Palimanan Tiles Pool Deck
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Another Great White Palimanan and Lava Natural Stone

Next, the White Palimanan Stone Tiles for Bath room. This White Palimanan Applied for Walling and flooring. With this application, the bath room look more unique and premium. This Appearance make the visitor will more satify for take a bath in this Bath room. In other Hotel, White Palimanan Also applied for Walling, with Special Rough face finishing.

Lava Natural Stone for Pool Deck
(Source : Instagram/ksuy.v)

Next, it’s Lava Stone Tile for another Swimming Pool Deck. Lava Natural Stone Tile also is one best Pool deck because Lava Natural Stone Tile make the Pool deck more cold with Tiny hole System. Lava Natural Stone Tile tiny hole make water and Air can flow on the Lava Stone. This condition also make lava Stone has different system from another stone. Lava Natural Stone also anti slip face. In water, Lava Natural Stone has Black elegant Color. That’s All review about The Ritz-Carlton Bali, Indonesia. We hope this Article give some information for this Hotel. Thank for reading.